People get stronger after being hurt
It is often said that when life is “falling apart,” it could actually be falling together… First of all things can go wrong for anyone anytime anywhere, universe doesn’t hate you. We need to learn to cope up with the certain obstruction of life. How we react to a situation really means a lot. You cannot find peace and happiness by avoiding situations instead you will be trapped further. Instead of running away from the problem, face it, take it as a challenge and experience a growth. You will fail or succeed but definitely you will learn something really helpful and you will be much stronger than anyone else because at least you took up the challenge. Disappointment further leads to wrong decisions which we regret later. Avoid it. Also do not expect too much from anyone because when it breaks down we find ourselves disappointed. Don’t let negative thoughts surround you welcome positivity and live with it. Remember my friend if life is throwing lemons at y...