Regular food habits and sleep are more important than diet and fitness fads
NOT MINE, FOUND WORTH SHARING ... The two most important needs and parameters for health and well-being are a good appetite and a sound sleep of eight hours. Sadly, both these are missing in today’s times. Irregular food habits and insufficient sleep are seen everywhere, leading to poor health in the later years. There were times when office-goers would leave home after an early lunch, which is almost non-existent these days; a hurried breakfast and a tiffin box with inadequate food is all one has during the course of the day. Dinners are being had late and the junk food, snacks and fries consumed during the day lead to appetite loss. Sleep gets delayed due to late dinners; anxiety impacts the next day's work. Even sportspersons who are young and active face trouble, at times. They have ample training facilities – gyms and equipment. Despite the availability of such facilities, the fitness of sportspersons, especially in cricket, presents a gloomy picture. The list of players gett...