
Showing posts from September, 2015

Our Attitudes Govern Our Destiny

Ever wondered, what is the impact of our thinking on our life? In both, our professional as well as personal life we have two types of thoughts positive and negative. So basically these people are called optimists and pessimists. Our attitude defines our whole thinking. Attitude is a choice, we live with it. It reflects our way of perceiving life. Optimists, the people with a positive attitude towards life, live life more casually then the pessimists. The pessimists remain negative for a long time but when the problem passes by their life comes to an equilibrium again. Negative attitude leads to unhappiness and depression. The definition of happiness has totally changed in today’s scenario, people find happiness with the fulfilment of one’s desires. Everyone wants to be happy. But we are here to focus on how it shapes our destiny. The way you act around people will determine what kind of a human being you are. Some may be introvert and some maybe extrovert. Further the d...

Humility - Key to success

Hello Readers. I am back after a long gap.Sorry to keep you waiting. It is said that humility is the key to success. Humility in a dictionary is defined as the quality of having modest or low view of one’s importance. It is a skill to admit that we have problems, experience pain, make mistakes, we are faulty, act in ways we shouldn't have, say things that are not good, think bad for others etc. the list goes on. We face all the negative and painful conditions without trying to escape from them because humility helps us understand it. How can we escape from a prison if we don't admit that we are a prisoner? How can we run if we cannot even walk?How can we swim if we are afraid of water? How can we solve our problems if we do not admit that we have them? Humility saves us from arrogance, false pride, overconfidence, egotism etc. It is a necessary quality for self-improvement of a human being and helps him/her grow and heal. It helps us to find answers to our own pro...