Feminism- The burning issue

Kalki Koechlin's New Video Is the Most Powerful Thing on the Internet Today

She's done us proud once again with her new poem, 'The Printing Machine,' which she's co-written and performed with the good folks at Blush, thereby giving us this powerful video.


The words, the visual effects and the beats speak for themselves.

Women have striven hard for gaining equality with men. They have been held back and their opportunities taken away from them because of the fact that they were women. And it is the feminist movement that has been trying to give these rights to women who have been deprived of their equality and privileges that men have never given them.

Feminism is a philosophy in which women and their contributions are valued. It is based on social, political and economical equality for women. Feminists can be anyone in the population, men, women, girl or boys. Feminism can also be described as a movement nowadays.Feminists view the world as being unequal and they wish to see the gender gap and the idea that men are superior to women decreased or even abolished.Feminism is allowing women to expand their careers and businesses that they never were able to have before. Women now have power in government and they hold high and powerful jobs. They have gained their independence from a male dominated society and are rising to become less dependent on their husbands for financial support. Many women are now even managing their own families, without the help or support of a man. Men are also being helped because their wives are now able to help with financial needs; they aren ˜t depended on for the only source of income for their family anymore. Feminism is allowing women to have better high paying jobs that are allowing them to have greater incomes.

My favorite feminist writing includes:
  • It’s hard to be told to lighten up because if you lighten up any more, you’re going to float the fuck away. The problem is not that one of these things is happening, it’s that they are all happening, concurrently and constantly.
 These are just songs. They are just jokes. They are just movies. It’s just a hug. They’re just breasts. Smile, you’re beautiful. Can’t a man pay you a compliment? In truth, this is all a symptom of a much more virulent cultural sickness—one where women exist to satisfy the whims of men, one where a woman’s worth is consistently diminished or entirely ignored.
                                        ---Roxane Gay, “What Men Want, America Delivers,” Salon
  • And I want to try and convey to you, broadly, how you are hurting women and hurting your own art form, and how easy it would be to stop. Because right now you’re coming across like a bunch of entitled babies terrified of a few girls in your clubhouse—demanding that women be thick-skinned about their own rapes while you’re too thin-skinned to handle even mild criticism. It’s embarrassing.                                        
                                      ---Lindy West, “An Open Letter to White Male Comedians,” Jezebel

  • So rather than hear about the stigma men feel in terms of taking care of kids, I’d like for men to think more about the stigma that women feel when they’re trying to build a career and a family. And then measure whatever angst they’re feeling against the real systemic forces that devalue the labor of women. I think that’s what’s at the root of much of this: When some people do certain work we cheer. When others do it we yawn.
                                     ---Ta-Nehisi Coates, “Why I’m Against ‘Daddy Days’,” The Atlantic


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