“Fear is an idea- crippling, experience-crushing, success-stalling inhibitor inflicted only by yourself.” Fear is an emotional state in the presence of a risky stimulus . It can be a feeling of anxiety or the apprehension caused by the presence of danger. It can be due to a threat. Often it becomes intense like anger. Fear can lead to panic. It is being afraid of a situation such as fear for loud sound, strangers, unknown objects, new places, dark shadows and darkness, seclusion, imaginary objects , frogs, rats, insects, snakes, cockroaches and withdrawal of love etc. are common. Some fears are acquired through habituation, Some through imitation of parental and sibling fears. Fear is learnt through exploring an open switch board and thinking we might get an electric shock. If a parent or sibling is afraid of spider then it can lead to a fear within the younger one. Also doctors with injection syringe fear us. In adult life we face many challenges and are strug...