“Fear is an idea- crippling, experience-crushing,
success-stalling inhibitor inflicted only by yourself.”
Fear is an emotional state in the presence of a risky stimulus. It can be a feeling of anxiety or the apprehension caused by the presence of danger. It can be due to a threat. Often it becomes intense like anger. Fear can lead to panic. It is being afraid of a situation such as fear for loud sound, strangers, unknown objects, new places, dark shadows and darkness, seclusion, imaginary objects, frogs, rats, insects, snakes, cockroaches and withdrawal of love etc. are common.

In adult life we face many challenges and are struggling everyday to achieve our goals. Fear plays a great role too. Loss of job, unemployment, demise of a loved one, old age, retirement etc. Leads to fear. Leaving your parents is a very frightening situation. Leaving home where your protected and cared for is something that you have to do, it is a part of growing up. Learning how to pay your own bills and manage your money can be scary at first, but like all things it something that you must overcome.
Fear in humans is believed to be learned rather than instinctive. This is reasonable because of the fact that most people aren't born afraid. Fear is an emotional reaction in the mind that is usually caused by experience. The human infant does not display any coordinated fear response. An infant does not show a recognizable fear response until six months after birth.
Due to fear the human behaviour is deeply affected. We face churning in our stomach, dryness of throat, heart beats at a much faster rate than usual, pulse rate too increases, confusion, illusions of certain kind, fainting, black out, sweating etc.
We constantly try to overcome our inner fears by facing them.
And we all watch horror movies because we like to be scared and overcome them. We all deal with it one time or another. We allow ourselves to be involved in the plot to the point that it scares us, but in the end we know that the movie story isn't real and we can go home to our safe houses and not be sought out by the monsters on the screen. Seeing a scary movie is a good type of fear. It is fear generated by our imaginations for the purpose of entertainment.
Another good type of fear is the fear generated by adventure sports such as skydiving. Those who enjoy skydiving realize that there is a certain amount of risk involved with the sport. If things don't go right the skydiver could be seriously injured or killed. The participants involved in skydiving realize there is that chance, but the ultimate goal is to have fun.
So guys fear is not all bad if you know what I mean. It is what everyone has to face.
So guys fear is not all bad if you know what I mean. It is what everyone has to face.
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