Feminism and Pseudo Feminism

In simple words, feminism is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities. It’s about leveling the playing field between genders, and ensuring that diverse women and girls have the same opportunities in life available to boys and men. Feminist movements have advocated and continue to advocate for the rights of women, including the right to vote, hold public office, work, earn fair wages, equal pay and reduce the gender pay gap, own land, obtain employment, have equal rights within marriage, enter into contracts and have maternity leave. Feminists also work to ensure access to legal abortions and social inclusion and to protect women and girls from rape, sexual harassment, and domestic violence.

But sadly, a new type of feminism called pseudo-feminism is emerging amongst the people.

Pseudo-feminists tend to generalize all gender accordingly and want to correct all the injustices inflicted on women, often by lashing out and demeaning at men. In the process of recklessly accusing genders, they forget the fundamental essence of the movement towards feminism: equality. They are of the idea that women deserve more respect, or people of other sexes do not deserve respect. Living in a society that is patriarchal to the core and because of this women face many challenges every day is the worst thing is that some people hurt the term feminism.

On social media, due to a lack of proper understanding of the term feminism, people end up being pseudo-feminist. Pseudo-feminists want to create a world governed only by women and where women might be getting away with any wrongdoing. 

They are called on the Internet as “feminazis” by keyboard warriors, they are individuals who do not completely grasp the definition of feminism and who try to find signs of injustice and violence even though there is none. They vandalize the definition of feminism and promote it as a brand of man-hate, seeking any opportunity to seek vengeance rather than equality. 

Another form of pseudo-feminism is comfort feminism. We often don’t realize it, but pseudo-feminism is all around us, secretly hiding behind feminism. The women are crying everywhere for fair rights, but don’t waste a minute telling a guy sitting on a Ladies Reserved seat to vacate it.

While they are biased in promoting their own cause, community, or sex, feminists seek equality rather than superiority. While spotting a pseudo-feminist or someone who doesn’t fully understand the concept of feminism isn’t extremely rare, it’s not common. 

All in all, we need to mature to the concept of gender equality and give women the opportunities they deserve, but what we don’t need is people spreading hate and unrest in the name of feminism. Therefore, we can say that Incomplete interpretation of a concept is a risky thing and in many ways, we have seen this, not just feminism. Half-knowledge is more dangerous than the very ignorance. Not every man out there is a rapist, stalking or staring at a woman out there. Feminism is a form of equal treatment; pseudo-feminism is a form of chauvinism. There is no benchmarking and no contest.

Check your facts before lashing out.


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