
Showing posts from 2016

Lyrics of "Song For Survival" by Neel Adhikari and Mithila Palkar #DiceLittleThings

   It's Not for us to say What will be And at the end of the day We'll see which way the whole thing bends And what it could bring 'coz nothing really matters 'cept the little things Some say it works like this, Maybe it's true, But the truth can lie sometimes, That's faith for you, Let the preachers talk, and we could sing The song for survival make sure it swings We are not perfect, we are not slick ooooooah We don't steal , just like thieves we are thick we walk our talk and we sing The song for survival make sure it swings It's not for us to say What will be and at the end of the day we'll see Which way the whole thing bends And what it could bring 'coz nothing really matters If we could swing with the little things.


Why is it that girls are considered less than boys? Why is it that girls are always considered to be inferior to boys, even though we can be equal? The normal human mentality after reading this immediately defines women based on their strength. I agree that a woman has less muscular strength than a man. But physical strength is not the only measure people. It should not be about gender. Men  need a woman more than we need them. Some men need violence, drugs, alcohol, or other methods to run away from a problem which they are not able to handle thus zero emotional stability. Some of them need to raise their voices every time they can't win over the "so-called" weaker sex. Some can't keep up with both managing a home and raising children and a full-time job (so they need a woman ) Some men are of the idea that  women covering up their bodies is the only way they are able to not think sexual thoughts about them long enough to focus on school or work. Now, wha...

Be thankful to your enemies

The first question that pops into your heads after reading this topic is why in god’s name I should thank my enemy for my success and hard work. Well kind of true, Right? We all should thank our friends and family for supporting us and staying by our side during the hardest days of our lives. But friends, I feel that enemies deserve more of our blessings because they are the ones to treat us BADLY, they are the ones who are unfair to us, yet they are the ones who bring out the best in us. Their harsh behavior towards us makes us realize our potential and look at the same task differently. They will tell you your faults. They can be your colleagues in an office, classmates in college/school, your boss, teachers/professors etc. Enemies serve a great purpose in our lives. They are like the chosen evils of our life. They plan evil against you and somehow you manage to survive this and you end up getting stronger. I read an interesting post about Walt Disney – The man who creat...

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“Fear is an idea- crippling, experience-crushing, success-stalling inhibitor inflicted only by yourself.” Fear is an emotional state in the presence of a risky stimulus . It can be a feeling of anxiety or the apprehension caused by the presence of danger. It can be due to a threat. Often it becomes intense like anger. Fear can lead to panic. It is being afraid of a situation such as fear for loud sound, strangers, unknown objects, new places, dark shadows and darkness, seclusion, imaginary objects ,  frogs, rats, insects, snakes, cockroaches and withdrawal of love etc. are common. Some fears are acquired through habituation, Some through imitation of parental and sibling fears. Fear is learnt through exploring an open switch board and thinking we might get an electric shock. If a parent or sibling is afraid of spider then it can lead to a fear within the younger one. Also doctors with injection syringe fear us. In adult life we face many challenges and are strug...

'Pain' - Best Teacher

“Nature shows that with the growth of intelligence comes increased capacity for pain, and it is only with the highest degree of intelligence that suffering reaches its supreme point.”  -Arthur Schopenhauer Everyone is afraid of pain. We try to avoid every painful experience we ever had but still continue to be in a state of psychological pain. And the more we try to keep away from pain, the more we find ourselves in pain, because by avoiding it we can’t find out what is the cure for it. If you are sick of your pain and your suffering, know that there is another way. You can invite your deepest pain, to become your greatest teacher and take yourself further along the growth path. The choice is yours. The experiences we have and how it is registered in our minds also play a great role. That is why painful experiences teach us a lot. It is a mental condition which causes a pain inside your emotional heart. It implies that something is wrong with our life and ...

People get stronger after being hurt

It is often said that   when life is “falling apart,” it could actually be falling together… First of all things can go wrong for anyone anytime anywhere, universe doesn’t hate you. We need to learn to cope up with the certain obstruction of life. How we react to a situation really means a lot. You cannot find peace and happiness by avoiding situations instead you will be trapped further. Instead of running away from the problem, face it, take it as a challenge and experience a growth. You will fail or succeed but definitely you will learn something really helpful and you will be much stronger than anyone else because at least you took up the challenge. Disappointment further leads to wrong decisions which we regret later. Avoid it. Also do not expect too much from anyone because when it breaks down we find ourselves disappointed. Don’t let negative thoughts surround you welcome positivity and live with it. Remember my friend if life is throwing lemons at y...

Feminism- The burning issue

Kalki Koechlin's New Video Is the Most Powerful Thing on the Internet Today She's done us proud once again with her new poem, 'The Printing Machine,' which she's co-written and performed with the good folks at Blush , thereby giving us this powerful video. The words, the visual effects and the beats speak for themselves. Women have striven hard for gaining equality with men. They have been held back and their opportunities taken away from them because of the fact that they were women. And it is the feminist movement that has been trying to give these rights to women who have been deprived of their equality and privileges that men have never given them. Feminism is a philosophy in which women and their contributions are valued. It is based on social, political and economical equality for women. Feminists can be anyone in the population, men, women, ...