Learn to say "NO" without explaining yourself

I was scrolling down across fb pages when I saw this quote and I thought to give it a try .....
We, in our whole life, are taught that we should help others ,make them happy and if we do not then we are tagged as selfish ...it's sad but true.

I think it is really unnecessary to explain someone after saying 'No'.The reasons why we always tend to explain them is that we think we are disappointing them and will be disliked by them in the future
or will be misunderstood by our close ones

Many of us believe that if we are not there for other people they might not be there for us too.It's really sad that there are many who know about your fear and will use it against you to get what they want

Instead of saying 'No' to someones request we tend to make an excuse and try to explain the situation.We think that saying 'No' straight away will sound kinda rude or something.....Sometimes we make an excuse even if we are free but do not want to get into what the other person asked you for.Just because you are free does not mean you have to do what others say...Be honest and mature and please stop lying to an extent ...it really makes you happy.

I really faced a lot of issues regarding the same in my first year of college.I do not know really that I handled it well enough but my true friends are always there to understand me...

There are people who would force you to give reasons for your 'No' and dealing with them is not a piece of cake I am telling you they try to manipulate you and extract each and every information with them its safest to say just 'No' or 'I have other plans' without getting into details.

Its your time ,use it the way you want and be true to yourself...
Anyway, in the end people always believe who they want to believe and will trust who they want to.......and some of us will always be misunderstood .....always.Just stop explaining you don't owe anyone anything in this world.....It's your life after all live the way you want to and don't let anyone DICTATE IT .


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